Nieuwe blogsponsor uit de Verenigde Staten
Hund i snor noteert reeds zijn vierde nieuwe blogsponsor in 2006. Het gaat om Girls Valet Parking, waar Danny Drets vandaag nog over berichtte. Het is allemaal zeer vlug gegaan. Het is ook het eerste contract dat we gewoon telefonisch hebben afgesloten.
Hund i snor sprak met stichter Brad Saltzman.
Hund i snor
Hiya Brad, how are you doin' ?
Brad Saltzman
Great man, thanks.
Hund i snor
Today we heard about your business, jee, that's an awesome idea, man !
Brad Saltzman
yeah, ideas, that's what it's all about, isn't it ? And your guru Vijay Gopalakrishnan even said it this week 'Great ideas often receive violent opposition from mediocre minds.'
Hund i snor
Not from Hund i snor.
Brad Saltzman
For sure. Anyway, I'm glad we got into this market before anybody else did. I'm actually surprised the Russian maffia hadn't thought about this before.
Hund i snor
Be carefull !
Brad Saltzman
Yeah, you're right. I don't wanna be wacked ...
Hund i snor
But you might give them ideas. What did you decide to sponsor Hund i snor ?
Brad Saltzman
Well, that's pretty obvious. Hund i snor has a great worldwide exposure and the success of Rent-a-charlatan shows that sponsoring Hund i snor is a little investment for a huge return on investment.
Hund i snor
Spot on ! Success with your valet business and with the girls of course !
Brad Saltzman
Thanks, fella.
Hund i snor
Please notice below a valet girl.

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