Monday, November 28, 2005

Schrijven is niet werken met Marielyne Millecam (1) - How to be idle - Tom Hodgkinson

"Lof der luiheid" of "How to be idle" is een recent boek van de Brit Tom Hodgkinson dat pertinente filosofische vragen stelt bij de mallemolen van de huidige maatschappij. Volgens Gilles Tourette een ideaal geschenk voor onder de kerstboom.

Het boek is reeds bekend bij enkele "hondstrouwe" Hund i snor-lezers. Hierna publiceren we het Manifest van het boek.

The Manifesto

The religion of industry has turned human beings into work robots.

The imposition of work-discipline on free-wheeling dreamers enslaves us all.

Joy and wisdom have been replaced by work and worry.

We must defend our right to be lazy.

It is in our idleness that we become who we are;

it is when lazy that we achieve self-mastery.

Jobs rob our time.

Productivity and progress have led to anxiety and unease.

Technology imprisons as it promises to liberate.

Careers are phantasms.

Money is mind-forg'd.

We can create our own paradise.

With freedom comes responsability.

Nothing must be done.

Be good to yourself.

Stay in bed.

Inaction is the wellspring of creation.

Art, People, Life.

Bread, Bacon, Beer.

Live first, work later.

Time is not money.

Stop spending.

Quit your job.

Study the art of living.

Live slow, die old.

Embrace nothing.

Know nothing.

Do nothing.


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